kya bliss, cmt (she/her)

Kya approaches bodywork as an art, a science, and a communion. Through mindful, loving work with all systems of the body, balance is restored within and clients reach a transformative, healing state. With an extensive dance background, degree from East West College of the Healing Arts, and lifelong passion for helping others, Kya has cultivated a highly attuned touch and keen sensory awareness. She has years of experience at Ole Henriksen in West Hollywood, Knot Springs in Portland, Oregon, and in private practice. Her treatments weave together a variety of techniques and modalities to nourish the body and soul. She cares deeply for each client and supports their individual healing paths wholeheartedly! 


areas of specialty

Swedish Massage

Energy Work & Reiki

Structural Bodywork & Myofascial Release

Deep Tissue

Tui Na

Chi Ne Tsang


Emotional Mapping & Somatic Exploration

Movement Therapies & Stretching