Daphne lim, l.ac. (she/her)

Daphne Lim is a licensed acupuncturist focusing on general health and wellbeing. She received her Master's Degree from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York, NY. She has further training in motor point acupuncture under Dr. Richard Hazel, and has been successful in treating many types of chronic and acute pain conditions. Daphne has also specialized in Cosmetic Acupuncture, applying Chinese Medicine theories to address beauty, wellness and health. She has studied with several of the top innovative teachers in the field, including Lillian Bridges, Michelle Gellis, Shellie Goldstein and others.

Daphne has completed the Institute of Functional Medicine's foundational course, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice and utilizes this approach in creating individualized treatment protocols for nutrition, lifestyle, and natural medicines. 


areas of specialty


Functional Medicine

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Facial Gua Sha and Cupping

Herbal Therapies